Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dental Health and Fluoride Treatment 360-604-9000  Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in many foods and water. Every day, minerals are added to and lost from a tooth's enamel layer through two processes, demineralization and remineralization. Minerals are lost (demineralization) from a tooth's enamel layer when acids -- formed from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth -- attack the enamel. Minerals such as fluoride, calcium, and phosphate are redeposited (remineralization) to the enamel layer from the foods and waters consumed. Too much demineralization without enough remineralization to repair the enamel layer leads to tooth decay.

Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth. It also reverses early decay. In children under six years of age, fluoride becomes incorporated into the development of permanent teeth, making it difficult for acids to demineralize the teeth. Fluoride also helps speed remineralization as well as disrupts acid production in already erupted teeth of both children and adults.

In What Forms Is Fluoride Available?

As mentioned, fluoride is found in foods and in water. It can also be directly applied to the teeth through fluoridated toothpastes and mouth rinses. Mouth rinses containing fluoride in lower strengths are available over-the-counter; stronger concentrations require a doctor's prescription.

A dentist in his or her office can also apply fluoride to the teeth as a gel, foam, or varnish. These treatments contain a much higher level of fluoride than the amount found in toothpastes and mouth rinses. Varnishes are painted on the teeth; foams are put into a mouth guard, which is applied to the teeth for 1 to 4 minutes; gels can be painted on or applied via a mouth guard.

Fluoride supplements are also available as liquids and tablets and must be prescribed by your dentist, pediatrician, or family doctor.

When Is Fluoride Intake Most Critical?

It is certainly important for infants and children between the ages of 6 months and 16 years to be exposed to fluoride. This is the timeframe during which the primary and permanent teeth come in. However, adults benefit from fluoride too. New research indicates that topical fluoride -- from toothpastes, mouth rinses, and fluoride treatments -- are as important in fighting tooth decay as in strengthening developing teeth.

In addition, people with certain conditions may be at increased risk of tooth decay and would therefore benefit from additional fluoride treatment. They include people with:

·         Dry mouth conditions : Dry mouth caused by diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome, certain medications (such as allergy medications, antihistamines, anti- anxiety drugs, and high blood pressure drugs), and head and neck radiation treatment makes an individual more prone to tooth decay. The lack of saliva makes it harder for food particles to be washed away and acids to be neutralized.

·         Gum disease : Also called gingivitis, gum disease can expose more of your tooth and tooth roots to bacteria increasing the chance of tooth decay.

·         History of frequent cavities : If you have one cavity every year or every other year, you might benefit from additional fluoride.

·         Presence of crowns and/or bridges or braces : These treatments can put teeth at risk for decay at the point where the crown meets the underlying tooth structure or around the brackets of orthodontic appliances.

Give us a call and see if you could benefit from additional fluoride



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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Orthodontist-Vancouver-WA-InformedMom 360-604-9000 How the staff at Adventure help you stay informed. Watch on Posterous

Adventure Dental is serving Vancouver, wa area through dedication to providing their young patients with quality dental care through a personalized, patient-first approach for children. 


pediatric vancouver wa, kids dentist vancouver wa,orthodontistvancouver wa, orthodontist camas, braces vancouver wa

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Patient's bring in their prize pet !

Kai and Kacee show their prize lamb to Dr. Todd!

So proud of her prize lamb! What a beautiful smile!

Invisalign vs Braces 360-604-9000  For anyone having to undergo any sort of orthodontic work it can be tough to choose between going with traditional braces or Invisalign.


Invisalign are made out of strong, transparent high quality plastic with aligner trays to keep the teeth straight, while traditional braces employ the use the metal brackets and wires which are glued to the teeth.

Making a choice between invisalign vs braces is a big decision. How do you know which to go for? What are the pros and cons of each?

Comparing Invisalign vs Braces

·         Cost. In most cases you will be able to get traditional orthodontic braces in ceramics for considerably less than you will be able to get invisalign, often as much as 50% difference.

·         Invisalign can be removed when eating, so there are no limits on diet.  If you have traditonal braces on the other hand, you have to avoid certain foods and snacks which can break the wires or loosen the metal brackets.

·         Usage. There are certain tooth problems that invisalign is unable to help with. Rotating teeth or providing vertical alignment are outside of it’s remit as it lacks the friction and grip to be effective.

·         Style. The reason invisalign vs braces exists as an argument is because the major advantage of invisalign as a treatment is that it is all but invisible to the naked eye. Because it behind behind the teeth most people looking will be unable to see it – which can boost the wearers confidence dramatically.

·         No risk. With braces there is a small risk that they may lead to a cavity or other tooth issues. To date no issues such as that have been reported because of people using invisalign.

·         Invisalign treatments typically last about 8 – 15 months, while traditional braces may require 2 years or even more.

·         With Invisalign, you have to return to your dentist very two weeks or so, to get a new sit that fits more tightly over your teeth.  With Braces, you just need to go once a month to have them adjusted.

Now obviously by looking at these points both braces and invisalign have their plus points, and their minus ones. Which is why there is so much debate on the whole issue of invisalign vs braces.

You need to think things over from your point of view, and then re-discuss things with your dentist of orthodontist. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the options you will be better placed to make an informed decision.



pediatric vancouver wa, kids dentist vancouver waorthodontistvancouver wa, orthodontist camas, braces vancouver wa

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

" I SPY HOP" Contest Winner!

Raeanna guessed how many HOP movie characters were in our waiting room. There were 15 !

She won movie tickets to go see HOP. Great Job Raeanna!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Call or visit us today!!

We are experts in children's dentistry and orthodontics in the Vancouver Washington, Clark County and are simply the best! We can't wait for you to join us on your dental adventure! Call for an appointment today: 360-604-9000. Or visit our website!!!

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Diabetes can cause serious problems in your mouth. You can do something about it.  If you have diabetes, make sure you take care of your mouth. People with diabetes are at risk for mouth infections, especially periodontal (gum) disease. Periodontal disease can damage the gum and bone that hold your teeth in place and may lead to painful chewing problems. Some people with serious gum disease lose their teeth. Periodontal disease may also make it hard to control your blood glucose (blood sugar).

Other problems diabetes can cause are dry mouth and a fungal infection called thrush. Dry mouth happens when you do not have enough saliva—the fluid that keeps your mouth wet. Diabetes may also cause the glucose level in your saliva to increase. Together, these problems may lead to thrush, which causes painful white patches in your mouth.

You can keep your teeth and gums healthy. By controlling your blood glucose, brushing and flossing every day, and visiting a dentist regularly, you can help prevent periodontal disease. If your diabetes is not under control, you are more likely to develop problems in your mouth.

Take steps to keep your mouth healthy. Call your dentist when you notice a problem.

If you have diabetes, follow these steps:

·         Control your blood glucose.

·         Brush and floss every day.

·         Visit your dentist regularly. Be sure to tell your dentist that you have diabetes.

·         Tell your dentist if your dentures (false teeth) do not fit right, or if your gums are sore.

·         Quit smoking. Smoking makes gum disease worse. Your physician or dentist can help you quit.

Take time to check your mouth regularly for any problems. Sometimes people notice that their gums bleed when they brush and floss. Others notice dryness, soreness, white patches, or a bad taste in the mouth. All of these are reasons to visit your dentist.

Remember, good blood glucose control can help prevent mouth problems.



pediatric vancouver wa, kids dentist vancouver waorthodontistvancouver wa, orthodontist camas, braces vancouver wa

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Debond Day Pictures!

Awbrey got her braces off! What a great day!

Jen and Keara having fun at our Beach Party!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dental tips for kids 360-604-9000  Dental problems, like cavities, tooth decay, enamel breakdown and even serious problems like gum disease can start at a very young age. And unfortunately, a child who is not familiar with proper tooth care or dental visits could develop a fear of the dentist that lasts into adulthood. This will make it more unlikely that his teeth will be properly cared for in the future. So educate your child on good dental routines early on in his life.


Toothbrush Timer

o    It takes about two or three minutes to thoroughly brush your teeth. Buy your child a toothbrush that comes equipped with a timer to assure that she is brushing for more than just a few seconds (see "Resources" for an example). You can also use the timer as a way to gauge whether your child is brushing for the full amount of time.


o    Reward your child when she does things that will contribute to her overall dental health. For instance, if she flosses, brushes her teeth for the full three minutes every morning and night for a week, and eats a carrot instead of a lollipop, reward her with a gift or just give plenty of positive reinforcement. After a while, the child's commitment to dental care will likely become a matter of habit, even after the incentives are no longer there.

Dental Visits

o    The earlier you start your child's routine of going to the dentist, the more likely he will be to continue the habit into adulthood. The first dentist visit should be at the age of 1. Take your child at least twice per year for checkups; more frequently if she is having problems with her teeth.

Also, if the parent is afraid of going to the dentist, this could cause the child to have a negative opinion of going as well. So seek counseling to get over your own fear and make an appointment for yourself and your child.


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